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The GEOMINE2024 program looks to the future of geoscience, mining, oil and gas in a global context. Themes will be addressed in opening and parallel sessions, special interest group meetings, workshops and discussion panels. The focus is on active participation, giving attendees opportunities to present and participate in important discussions on the major current and future issues and challenges geoscience, mining, oil and gas across the globe.

The separate parallel sessions will allow time for in-depth coverage of each subject area. Parallel Sessions will last about 2 hours and may include between 6 and 7 papers. To accommodate this some sessions will come together to hold joint sessions on topics of importance to two or more sessions.

WE welcome abstracts related to the topics listed below, as well as other innovative topics relating to the geoscience and mining industry:

  • Geoscience:
    • Regional geology and Geotectonic
    • Stratigraphy and Paleontology
    • Mineralogy and Petrology
    • Metamorphism and Water Rock Interaction
    • Structural geology: Global To Micro Scale
    • Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology
    • Geodesy, GIS and Remote Sensing
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
    • Resource geology and Economic Geology
    • Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
    • Geohazards and Environmental Sciences
  • Mining
    • Mining Technology and Innovation
    • Mining Methods For Surface and Underground mine
    • Mine Surveying and Monitoring
    • Mining Geotechnics
    • Mineral Processing
    • Mineral Resources Management and Economics
    • Mining Assets Management
    • Mining Automation and Digitalization
    • Mine Rehabilitation and Environmental Controls
    • Sustainable and Green Mining
    • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Oil and Gas
    • Conventional and Unconventional Oil and Gas
    • Oil and Gas Drilling and Production
    • Oil and Gas Exploration
    • Oil and Gas Processing
    • Oil and Gas Transportation and Supply Chain
  • Public
    • STEM in high school
    • Geoscience Education
    • Future  Human Resource
    • Geoheritage, Geopark and Geotourism
    • Geoethics and Policy